Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Random Sample And Waterfall Counts

When using a random sample in a Waterfall Group it is important to understand how the system calculates the number of people included in that sample.

The screen shot below shows a waterfall segment with an audience of 40,857. Waterfall groups are calculated against this audience as follows:

  • In the first waterfall segment the figure returned is 15,661. This means that out of the audience figure of 40,857 there are 15,661 customers whose income = 10-20k
  • In the second waterfall group the count of 16,916 means that against the audience there are 16,916 female customers. In the second group we have asked for sample of 1000 females to be sent the campaign, a figure which we believe is achievable owing to the fact there are 16,916 people within the Waterfall Group. However the figure returned shows that the sample will only be sent to 560 female customers. The reason for this is that if a person meets the criteria of the Waterfall Group above then they belong to that Waterfall Group and are excluded from any others. Therefore out of the 1000 samples generated 440 females were included in Waterfall Group one, and therefore could not be processed in Waterfall Group 2.

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